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Styling26 videosFollow
- Y.S. Park Display SelectionOverview of the Y.S. Park in-store display selection by Barry Stone.7 years ago
- [Y.S.PARK] HEAD FIT RULER vol...7 years ago
- Y.S. Park Display Selecti..
Overview of the Y.S. Park in-store display selection by Barry Stone...
832401Y.S. Park Display SelectionOverview of the Y.S. Park in-store display selection by Barry Stone. - +26 more
Educational44 videosFollow
- Y.S. Park Display SelectionOverview of the Y.S. Park in-store display selection by Barry Stone.7 years ago
- [Y.S.PARK] HEAD FIT RULER vol...7 years ago
- Y.S. Park Display Selecti..
Overview of the Y.S. Park in-store display selection by Barry Stone...
832401Y.S. Park Display SelectionOverview of the Y.S. Park in-store display selection by Barry Stone. - +44 more
Product Reviews39 videosFollow
- Verdict: Frizzy, Wavy To Smoot..My wavy hair resists straightening but I think it has finally met it's match with the Verdict Heated Brush which allows me to build a little body into the roots while still allowing me smooth and shiny, straigh..8 years ago
- Revue Hair Forensic Dryology 1..8 years ago
- KeraStraight at L''UltimeWe love KeraStraight at L''Ultime Salon!!! Check out our video with long time client Valerie. Hear how KeraStriaght worked for her and why it will work for you too! DON''T YOU WANT HEALTHY SMOOTH BEAUTIFUL HAIR..9 years ago
- Glampalm VolumizersComes in 1/2" and 1" versions. Curved plates create maximum volume - use overdirection at the hair root to revitalize lifeless, droopy hair. Curling hair with the Volumizers is also a breeze because of the curv..9 years ago
Other videos28 videosFollow
- WELCOME BACKSTAGE: Bloopers Ed..1:7295500Hi Everyone! Friday is here, and we thought you would enjoy watching a..9 years ago
- Welcome Backstage!308900Hi! While working in the professional hair beauty industry, we spend a..9 years ago
- Behind the scenes at KeraStrai..2:25363801This video takes us behind the scenes at KeraStraight photo shoot for ..9 years ago
- Trevor Sorbie - KeraStraight G..1:30320900Trevor Sorbie explains why his salons recommends KeraStraight & why he..9 years ago
- KeraStraight Showreel8:11298900This film captures the essence of the brand KeraStraight and showcases..9 years ago
- Trevor Sorbie''s best haircuts..2:31305300To celebrate 50 years as a hairdresser Trevor Sorbie talks to HJi abou..9 years ago
- Valera Swiss Silent Jet Hair D..1:30358100Valera presents the new generation of professional hairdryers: Swiss S..9 years ago